Time for an update


Time for a bit of an update. There have been fewer posts recently but there have been reasons for that. 

A major one, which took up the first half of the year, was finishing my degree, which I started when I retired. I am pleased to say that I got a first on my BA in digital imaging and photography. 

Following on from my dissertation, the project involved a lot of time with the camera shooting several thousand images, which eventually ended up as about 60 images in a book I made myself. 

There were several exhibitions of my work following on from that – not just the graduate exhibition.

To make life challenging, my house move finally came through at this time – the sale was confirmed about 6 weeks before I was due to make final submissions. The house move was the week after graduation. That was a very fraught period. I’d lived in the house in Shropshire for nearly 25 years… that is an awful lot of stuff to go through. The move was a four day one: two days full pack, move day, then unload day. The move was 150 miles north to the north end of the Lake District. 

Trying to organise books…

The layout of the new house is very different. In common with many modern houses, it has fewer reception rooms and a large ‘living space’. I used to have three reception rooms designated as lounge, study, and music room. I have designated bedrooms which are now my office and music room. I have a lounge and a large kitchen/dining/living space. I have view of the mountains in the distance.

I am working out what projects to undertake. It is my intention to offer training courses to people e.g. taking better landscapes, introduction to using Lightroom etc. I also intend to exhibit and sell my work.     

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