Photographing Liverpool – 1

Liverpool Waterfront

I will be posting a short series of items covering a trip I made recently to Liverpool. The city is a good destination for photography as there is a lot that you can photograph.

For my trip, I used the Fuji XT-5 with the 16-55mm f/2.8 lens. 

Liverpool has several advantages over some destinations.

Steam Omnibus – Royal Albert Dock

The city is served by the West Coast Mainline railway, so it is easy to get to. Lime Street station is in the city centre – unlike some. Liverpool is relatively compact – everything is walkable. A walk from the Catholic Cathedral to the Royal Albert Dock is 20 to 30 minutes, depending on how speedy you are. 

Royal Albert Dock / Maritime Museum – Ferry to Ireland

The city can be broken down into zones. Furthest from the river is the area around the Catholic Cathedral and the University of Liverpool. As you head towards the Anglican Cathedral, you are adjacent to the Georgian Quarter. From there, you can head to Chinatown and to the Baltic Triangle. You then have the river which has the Royal Albert Dock, the Pier Head and the Three Graces. 

Royal Albert Dock

Moving away from the river brings us into the old finance district with its grand buildings plus new architecture. The city centre proper brings us Liverpool One and its modern architecture and the Cavern Quarter centred around Matthew Street. As we head back to Lime Street we have the civic buildings of the World Museum, Central Library, Walker Art Gallery, and the old Session Court, and the grandeur of St. George’s Hall.

There is much more to Liverpool that this, but it gives an indication of what there is and to do a thorough job of photographing it is more than a day’s work.  

River Mersey – low tide

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