Above is a standard digital photo taken with a modern mirrorless digital camera using a 24-70mm lens. It has had some minor editing in Lightroom including some cropping to change aspect ratio, and to balance the exposure of the sky and foreground.
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Before I get started, a bit of an apology. I forgot to update the blog about the Sinar and the Lake District. The cause was it was a failure – the plate I’d bought for mounting my Nikon does not fit a
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Part of the plan for Day 1 was to try using the 5×4 camera for the first time, now that the plate to hold the digital camera had arrived. My view is that managing a 5×4 camera is essentially a two-man job,
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I realised that the original post ‘Large Format Adventures 3’ didn’t make sense as where were posts 1 and 2? The answer is that they were originally posted on another of my blogs. I’ve consolidated them into one new post. Large Format
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