Direction of Travel
A different wander today. If your hobby is astronomy, as mine has been since I was ten years old, expect to wander in all sorts of directions. Why? Because astronomy touches many areas, and you can as a result acquire many other
A different wander today. If your hobby is astronomy, as mine has been since I was ten years old, expect to wander in all sorts of directions. Why? Because astronomy touches many areas, and you can as a result acquire many other
Above is a standard digital photo taken with a modern mirrorless digital camera using a 24-70mm lens. It has had some minor editing in Lightroom including some cropping to change aspect ratio, and to balance the exposure of the sky and foreground.
Here’s a photography discussion I didn’t think I’d be having: should I switch away from Nikon full-frame cameras and lenses? I’ve been a Nikon user since my early 20s when I bought a Nikon FG20 film camera. I think it was their
Posts are like buses, none for a while and then a flurry of activity. My last post covered the work I’d been doing for a university project. During the break, I had a short trip to the Lake District staying in Grasmere.
I have a new project to work on over the next couple of months. The project will use B&W medium format film. Before getting to that stage, I needed to run a digital test shoot. For my genre I have chosen industrial
Starting in Ambleside, Day 3 was very grey with none of the local peaks such as Red Screes or Fairfield visible as they were covered in cloud and mist. Down in the town it was damp and misty. The first port of
The second day’s weather was never going to be as good as the first’s had been. As expected, it was a grey day, with low cloud and mist. The target for the day was a more leisurely visit to Keswick, to include
In this post, I am carrying on from the previous post and cover the final steps needed to take your first constellation photos. The exposure table in the last post gives you a guide of what to do to avoid star trails.
Part of the plan for Day 1 was to try using the 5×4 camera for the first time, now that the plate to hold the digital camera had arrived. My view is that managing a 5×4 camera is essentially a two-man job,
A few days in the Lakes: Day 1 – Langdale Valley Last week I managed to have a few days away with my old social bubble neighbour who moved away a few months ago. We were both in need of some time